Seth Lekhanadi Tablet

Seth Lekhanadi Tablet

“Caraka samhita” the famous Ayurvedic pharmacopedia recommends “Lekahanadi Gana” a prescription for obesity that has been while widely used by ayurvedic physicians to shed excess fat deposits in muscles and joints which finds it wat into the arteries in the form of cholesterol.

Seth Lekhanadi Tablet is purely an formulation rich in natural anti-oxidants, hypolipidemics and immunostimulants Seth Lekhanadi Tablet, a condensed form of ten effective herbs that form the core ingredients of “Lekhanadi Gana” the original prescription, induces slimness of body thus leaving no room for obesity to set in.

Seth Lekhanadi Tablet is a very effective formulation for the treatment of obesity naturally. it detoxifies the digestive system, reduces fat deposits, regulates metabolism and improves blood circulation. Seth Lekhanadi Tablet with its powerful weight loss propensities give excellent results in combating obesity.



Minimize the excessive fat accumulation which express in the form of obesity.



2 to 4 tablets, two times a day or as prescribed by the physician (after meal)

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