Seth Siddhajivamruta

Seth Siddhajivamruta (Herbal preparation)

Seth Siddhajivamruta is a concentration of an assortment of different herbal extracts use in the production of  “Seth Siddhajivamuruta panaya” in the Siddha system of medicine prevailing in southern India.

Seth Siddhajivamruta is proven to be effective in strengthening the CNS nd cranial nerves, which improves the memory power of student, combat fatigue and lethargy. The constiments of Seth Siddhajivamruta is capable of boosting immunity, Hemopoiesis, blood purification and ameliorates related ailments, Further induces shiny & nourishing hair and contributes to a healthy body with radiant skin complexion, good sight, bodily vigor and vitality.



  • Strength Nerves
  • Improve resistance to disease
  • Improve learn body, mental retention and eye sight
  • Fair and smooth complexion
  • Prevent hair loss


3-5 years – 1 tablet daily

6-12 years  – 2 tablets daily

13 years and above  – 2 tablets twice a day or as prescribed by the physician.

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